My book, Foucault and Feminist Philosophy of Disability, which won the 2016 Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities, comes out December 1 from The University of Michigan Press. A panel on the book will be held at the annual conference of the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy that takes place next month at Western University. I will bring flyers to the CSWIP conference that include information about how conference delegates can preorder the book at a 30% discount. Another panel on the book will take place in March 2018 at the philoSOPHIA conference to be held at the University of Richmond. Here is the description that will appear on the back cover of the book:
Foucault and Feminist Philosophy of Disability is a distinctive contribution to growing discussions about how power operates within the academic field of philosophy. By combining the work of Michel Foucault, the insights of philosophy of disability and feminist philosophy, and data derived from empirical research, Shelley L. Tremain compellingly argues that the conception of disability that currently predominates in the discipline of philosophy, according to which disability is a natural disadvantage or personal misfortune, is inextricably intertwined with the underrepresentation of disabled philosophers in the profession of philosophy. Against the understanding of disability that prevails in subfields of philosophy such as bioethics, cognitive science, ethics, and political philosophy, Tremain elaborates a new conception of disability as a historically specific and culturally relative apparatus of power. Although the book zeros in on the demographics of and biases embedded in academic philosophy, it will be invaluable to everyone who is concerned about the social, economic, institutional, and political subor-dination of disabled people.
The book can be preordered from now and from the University of Michigan Press soon.
posted by Shelley