As you know by now, the Discrimination and Disadvantage blog is your best source of righteous indignation about the asymmetrical relations of power that currently condition and reproduce the discipline and profession of philosophy and the neoliberal apparatus of academia more generally.
In 2018, we will continue to shine a spotlight on the stratification of philosophy, on the precarity of the ableist, racialized, and sexist university, and on the neoliberal mechanisms that currently govern society at large, as well as persistently validate the heterogenenous lives, philosophical work, and institutional and professional struggles of marginalized and excluded philosophers and academics in general.
Here’s some of what you can expect from Discrimination and Disadvantage in the coming months: a guest post about feminism across borders; a guest post about disability and prestige bias in philosophy; more posts by me, Utz Mcknight, Ray Aldred, Melinda Hall, and other regular contributors; and more monthly installments of Dialogues on Disability, the popular, provocative, and transformative series of interviews that I’m conducting with disabled philosophers, including the third anniversary installment in April when I will be joined by special guests to survey the insights and issues introduced in installments from the third year of the series.
You won’t want to miss out on any of it; so, come here often.
posted by Shelley