Next week (Nov. 8-9), I will visit The Department of Gender and Race Studies at The University of Alabama, as part of the Department's Politics and Democracy Lecture Series.
On Friday, November 9th, 3:00-5:00, in the Gorgas Library, Rm. 205, I will give a presentation entitled "Feminist Philosophy of Disability and Genealogy: An Intervention." The poster for the presentation is copied below. There are other events (excursions, informal seminar, meals, etc.) associated with my visit. If you are in the vicinity and would like to get involved in any of these events, please contact the Chair of the Department of Gender and Race Studies, Utz McKnight ([email protected]), for details.
[Description of poster below: The names of the department and lecture series appear across the top of the poster. Below this information, the title of my talk, my name, and the date and location for the talk appear to the right of a snapshot of the cover of Foucault and Feminist Philosophy of Disability. A bio for me appears below these details. The bio reads: "Shelley L. Tremain holds a Ph.D. in philosophy, has taught in Canada, the U.S., and Australia, and publishes on a range of topics, including (feminist) philosophy of disability, Foucault, ableism in feminist philosophy, and bioethics. Tremain is the author of Foucault and Feminist Philosophy of Disability (University of Michigan Press, 2017), the manuscript for which was awarded the 2016 Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities, and the editor of Foucault and the Government of Disability (University of Michigan Press, 2005; 2015). She was also the 2016 recipient of the Tanis Doe Award for Disability Study and Culture in Canada. Tremain coordinates the Discrimination and Disadvantage blog, where she posts Dialogues on Disability, the acclaimed series of interviews that she is conducting with disabled philosophers." Below the bio, the poster indicates that the presentation is sponsored by The Department of Gender and Race Studies, University Programs at U of A, and the A&S Dean's Office, as well as that the presentation is open to University of Alabama faculty and students, as well as the general public.]
posted by Shelley