It is once again the first of the month--which usually means I would be passing the torch from one Featured Author to the next. But this month, I purposely didn't line anyone up so that other contributors to the blog felt comfortable posting about some of the things they've been working on lately. Given that a number of contributors have asked for this opportunity since I started the Featured Author series--which has been marching along almost without break for almost two years!--I hope people will take advantage of the opportunity.
If so, then this will help settle the issue of whether I should host Featured Authors every other month moving forward (rather than monthly, which has mostly been the case since the series started). So, if you have had an idea you wanted to float to the community here at Flickers but you didn't want to step on the proverbial toes of any of the Featured Authors, now is your chance. I, for one, look forward to the free for all!
In the meantime, I wanted to thank Katrina Sifferd for doing such a nice job last month stoking the philosophical fires here at Flickers. I am always amazed to see how much interesting work is being done at the cross-roads of action theory, moral psychology, the philosophy of law, etc. That said, I also wanted to thank all of those who posted comments. I realize this is a busy time of year for a number of people, so thanks for taking time to contribute to the discussions last month.
That's it for now. Here is the lineup for the Featured Author series for the following months:
July: Helen Steward
August: Sarah Paul
September: Heidi Maibom
October: Natalia Washington
June/July: Patricia Greenspan