As many of you know, I have flirted on an off with shuddering the doors here at Flickers for some time now. Each time I publicly float the idea, there is a much-appreciated stream of support from readers that slowly fades into the distance as the weeks and months creep by and inertia runs its inevitable course. Now, on the heels of a very exciting stint as Featured Author by Michelle Curriria, I once again find myself wanting to step away from philosophical blogging. The timing seems right for going out on a high note once and for all (even if it's someone else's note)!
Rather than trying to arrange for others to take the editorial reigns here at Flickers—which is complicated both by the clunky Typepad platform and by how many blogs and webpages I run from a single Typepad account—I have decided it makes more sense to simply close the cyber doors. I will keep the url active and the content archived, but there will not be any new posts moving forward.
Obviously, I appreciate everyone’s time, energy, and support over the years. Since starting Flickers back in 2010 (in the wake of the closing of Garden of Forking Paths), there have been 327,000+ visits, 769 posts, 7,754 comments, and 35+ featured authors. During this time, I humbly think we’ve done a good job entertaining and educating those interested in free will and moral responsibility. But now it’s time for the next generation of researchers to take the cyber-reigns and create a new home for our community. If and when a new blog is up and running, I will post a link here in this discussion thread. In the meantime, thanks again for your time and consideration over the years!
p.s. There is also a group FB for this blog--which will remain active. I will continue to post things there from time to time unless and until someone creates a new blog/FB page.
Thomas, your work here will be sorely missed. But your closing shop after all that work is certainly understandable. Thanks for everything you did for our community.
Posted by: Eddy Nahmias | 02/09/2017 at 11:22 AM