It's once again the time of month for the passing of the guards here at Flickers of Freedom. But before we pass the torch to the next Featured Author, I would first like to thank Gregg Caruso for doing an excellent job during March keeping the philosophical fires blazing here at Flickers. Given that we are fellow travelers down the road to skepticism and eliminativism, it was fun reading the active discussion threads and seeing how the defenders of free will and responsibility make their respective cases. So, thanks again to Gregg for providing such stimulating food for thought. He plays the role of the gadfly well! That said, it's now time to welcome this month's Featured Author--Professor Susan Dwyer.
Susan Dwyer (PhD, MIT) is Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Maryland. Her primary research falls into two categories: (1) how can moral psychology be pursued as a branch of cognitive science? and (2) how can academic philosophy help to improve public discourse on the controversial moral of our time? She is completing a book manuscript, entitled The Moral Faculty: An Essay Concerning Human Moral Judgment. Dwyer also writes regularly for Al Jazeera America!
Dwyer has published widely on issues ranging from abortion, pornography, and transitional justice to reconciliation and moral psychology. She is a member of the International Advisory Board for the International Journal of Transitional Justice.
As someone with research interests in moral psychology and applied ethics, I am especially excited to have Susan joining us this month as a Featured Author. So, please join me in welcoming her to the show (and the community)!
p.s. Here is the upcoming lineup for the FA series:
May: Katrina Sifferd
June: Thomas Nadelhoffer
July: Helen Steward
August: Sarah Paul
September: Heidi Maibom
October: Natalia Washington
June/July: Patricia Greenspan
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